- INVESTED in our chamber website to offer new opportunities for our members including personalized mobile apps along with advertising opportunities including directory pages, member spotlights, job postings, and event page at no cost to our members.
- TEAMED with the Port Clinton City Schools, City of Port Clinton, and Magruder Hospital to create the Guide to Local Activities.
- PARTNERED with Ottawa County Chambers and LESI to co-host booths at the Great Lakes Home & Flower Show, Ottawa County Fair and the National Matches at Camp Perry.
- CREATED and distributed 6,000 Downtown Coupon Pages.
- DESIGNED a Port Clinton Page and encouraged members to purchase ads in the Lake Erie Shores & Islands Travel Planner at a discounted rate.
- MAINTAINED four Facebook pages and Twitter accounts with daily posts.
- COORDINATED the professional printing of the 2019-20 Ottawa County Map & Resource Guide using local chamber members.
- MARKETED Chamber members by placing materials at the Ohio Turnpike plazas.
- TEAMED up with Lake Erie Shores & Islands to showcase the Port Clinton area and our members at the AAA Great Vacations Travel Expo.
- INCREASED our social media presence through numerous outlets; Instagram, Facebook, twitter and YouTube!
- HIGHLIGHTED businesses throughout the year by going live on Facebook with our members to talk about their specials, store hours, events etc.
- MAINTAINED 420 members and supporters while welcoming 30 new members.
- ASSISTED and participated in 10 ribbon cutting ceremonies for businesses and members.
- CONTINUED to grow the Ambassador’s Program.
- COORDINATED 10 Business After Hours held at various businesses with an average attendance of 60 members.
- PROVIDED relocation packets to people moving to or considering a move to the Port Clinton area, distributed tourist information packets, and provided area information to students studying Ohio history.
- DISTRIBUTED two hardcopy issues of the Compass Newsletter to 1,400 businesses in Northern Ohio and four digital issues of the Newsletter were emailed to our members.Benefits
- PUBLIC Notary is available at our Chamber Office for our members at no cost.
- CONTINUED the Member Discount Card Program.
- DISCOUNTS for electric & gas consumption. Shipping discounts available with FedEx along with a bulk mailing rate for postage on large mailings and access to group health insurance & worker’s compensation.
- Over 15,000 REFERRALS received for daily inquiries via email, phone, website, social media & walk-ins for products & services for chamber members only.
- UPGRADED our Chamber website, now giving our members the opportunity to have access to their own mobile app.
- PURCHASED the Foundation Search program so that our members will be able to access and obtain grants for their businesses and organizations.
- COORDINATED over 30,000 volunteer hours worked in the community in 2019.
- DISTRIBUTED $125,000 in Downtown Improvement Grants since 2013 to downtown businesses and building owners.
- CONTINUED Gift Certificate Program, keeping dollars in the local economy.
- COORDINATED seasonal plantings in downtown streetscape planters.
- WALLEYE FESTIVAL chosen as one of the “Best Festivals” by the readers of Lake Erie Living Magazine and won The Beacon’s “2019 Best of the Best Award.”
- FOUNDATION served as Fiscal Agent for the Fireworks Committee.
- AWARDED scholarships for a high school student and Leadership Ottawa County.
- OPPORTUNITIES to contribute to the Chamber’s success by inviting members to serve on committees that direct Chamber activity.
- BUSINESS counseling and member assistance for various services are available. The Chamber/Main Street provides referrals and diligently works to provide business related workshop information offered by other organizations including NOACC, BBB, the Ohio Chamber and the Center for Non-profit Resources.
- WORKED closely with City Council and Administration for the creation and adoption of the City’s Downtown Revitalization Plan.
- In 2017 a report presented by BGSU studied The Main Street Port Clinton Walleye Festival. The study concluded that the annual Walleye Festival contributes to Ottawa County’s tourism economy. Tourism generates jobs, income, and economic output, which helps to diversify local and regional economies!
- Total Impact = generated 67 jobs, $1.8 million in labor income, $2.1 million in value added (GDP) and $3.8 million in total economic output!
- RECOGNIZED outstanding businesses and their contributions during the 2018 Annual Dinner at the Mon Ami Historic Restaurant & Winery with over 200 members attending.
- HOSTED our second Job Fair in conjunction with the Port Clinton High School and Ohio Means Jobs where over 50 Chamber members were on hand to fill both seasonal and year round positions.
- HELD the 10th Annual Sunset Cruise on the Jet Express in July where friends and family enjoyed a wonderful evening on Lake Erie.
- PLANNED the Jerry Lippus Memorial Classic Car Show in August.
- HOSTED the Chamber Golf Outing at the Catawba Island Club in September and raised $500 to fund a scholarship for a graduating senior in Ottawa County awarded in May 2018.
- CO-HOSTED Candidate's Night with the Port Clinton Business and Professional Women.
- COORDINATED the 8th Annual Downtown Port Clinton Trick or Treat and Halloween Pub Crawl.
- ORGANIZED and planned the Community Christmas including the Gift of Lights, 6th Annual Lighted Holiday Parade, 5th Annual Chili Cooking Contest, Downtown Window Decorating contest, children’s activities and caroling.
- HOSTED the Holiday Mixer as a thank you to Chamber members in December.
- COORDINATED the 39th Annual Main Street Port Clinton Walleye Festival over Memorial Day Weekend including the Civilian Marksmanship Program Grande Parade, & Skipper Bud’s Kid’s Fishing Derby.
- TEAMED up with the City of Port Clinton to host the Annual Easter Egg Hunt held at Lakeview Park.